Pointer control
Slide a finger across the touch area without pressing
Left and right click
There are two ways to perform a click:
1. With a tap gesture
- To left-click just lightly tap a key without pressing it
- To right-click – tap with two fingers (same gesture as on the touchpad)
2. Using physical click buttons
- Click buttons are located under the spacebar
- Press the left click button for a left click and the right button for a right click
Place two fingers on the keyboard and move up or down (same as on any other touchpad)
Drag and drop
To drag and drop, double tap on the item and move your finger without lifting*
*Or use the left physical click button to tap on the item and then move the item with the other finger over the touch surface
Zoom in/Zoom out
Pinch to zoom in or zoom out
Multi-finger actions
By default, the CLVX1 supports all the system gestures as a regular touchpad. To change the assignments, you can go to the system touchpad/gestures settings or use TouchOnKeys® app